Australian Business Analyst Resume Example & Writing Guide

Resume example & tips for Australian Business Analysts.


(41 votes, average: 4.7 out of 5)

Last updated: January 3rd, 2024

business analyst resume example australia

Last updated: January 3rd, 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes

According to the Australian Chapter of International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), the demand for business analysts is set to spike throughout 2024.

Every Australian industry, including technology, banking, telecommunications and resources, will need skilled business analysts to improve the decision-making process within organisations during the upcoming economic downturn.

Because these jobs are very competitive, you will significantly improve your chances of success by elevating your resume.

You can take your resume to the next level by using my Australian business analyst resume example below, or give yourself a huge head-start by using my recommended:

Australian Business Analyst Resume Example.

Below is a resume example that belongs to an accomplished Australian business analyst. Let’s take a close look at it and use the insights to help you seize your next job opportunity.

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business analyst resume example australia

Here’s why this business analyst resume example will stand out in a sea of job applications:

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business analyst resume example australia

This page works well because of its:

  • Reverse chronological format. Ideal for business analysts with more than 1 role under their belt, the reverse-chronological resume format highlights your most recent (and therefore most commercially meaningful) roles.
  • Front-loaded, action verb-driven achievements. Do not confuse responsibilities with achievements! Don’t make your achievements dull. A lot of jobs are won or lost, depending on quality of resume achievements.

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business analyst resume example australia

Always finish strong. If the hiring manager isn’t sold on the idea of interviewing you after reading the first two pages, they’ll use information on the last page to make their decision:

  • Length. Resumes in Australia can be anywhere between 1 and 5 pages in length. Resume length is most often determined by your seniority. The above business analyst resume example is 3 pages long, which is normal for a mid-career BA.
  • Additional career history. Think of this section as a purgatory. Use it to list jobs that are too far in the past to deserve a spot in the heaven of your Professional Experience section, but not far enough to be disposed of altogether.
  • References. Write one line – “references available upon request

Best Resume Templates For Australian Business Analysts.

Resume templates save you a lot of time. And as a business analyst, you know all about identifying and eliminating inefficiencies!

Don’t spend hours trying to build a resume template from scratch. Use one of these freebies from

business analyst resume example australia

What if you need a great BA resume, but don’t have the time to do it yourself?

Hire one of my Australian resume writers. I have the best resume writers in Sydney and best resume writers in Melbourne, ready to help you land your next business analyst job, faster.

Job Outlook For Business Analysts In Australia.

According to the report, business analysts are in demand, and this demand is only expected to grow.

This is not surprising.

Business analysts are the cornerstone of all good decision-making, and act as eyes and ears of senior executives.

That said, not all business analyst jobs are equal. If you want to get the best jobs at the most interesting companies, ensure your resume is current!

Related Australian Resume Examples.

P.S. Are you an Australian business analyst, on the hunt for a job in Australia? Tell me about your biggest job search challenge in the comments below, and I’ll provide you with pointers to help you overcome it!

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