7 Ways We Stand Apart.

To ensure that you get results.

We Work Exclusively With Senior Business Leaders.

We specialise in helping senior leaders market and sell themselves in the job market. This means we understand the needs of executives, and are able to act as a sounding board and an advisor "in your corner". High-profile CEOs, MDs and GMs regularly seek our services. Because of this experience, we're acutely aware of business drivers and markers of leadership success, which means we can communicate them through your personal marketing collateral. This enables us to strike exactly the right chords with your intended audience. Needless to say, we also view your need for privacy and confidentiality as our top concern.

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You Get Marketed.

We aren't a resume writing service. There are plenty of those on the market. We're different because we're the only company in the APAC, US and UK regions that can elicit your unique point of difference in the market and communicate it via your resume and your online assets (everyone says it - we mean it). This distinction is not trivial. In effect, we position you as a unique answer to a clearly defined set of commercial challenges. We then weave together points of interest from your career to form a cohesive story, so that each of your career moves is strategically relevant and aligned to your intended direction. Finally, we use this narrative as a departure point for your resume, LinkedIn profile and other online assets, which work as a branded system to help you attract, and successfully compete for, top leadership roles.

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You Get Fantastic Follow-Up Support.

You don't want a value proposition, a brand, a resume or a LinkedIn profile. You want results. We know that, and we're here to support you on this journey. If, for example, you find that your new brand is not gaining traction in the market, we want to hear from you. We can troubleshoot your approach – until you see results. We have the skills, the resources, the tools and the insights to help you reach your career goals.

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We're At The Bespoke End Of Town.

Quality and cost of professional services typically correlate. When it comes to professionally written resumes and LinkedIn profiles, you’ll find providers willing to create those for you for $100-$1000. They usually employ staff of low to average calibre, who allocate between 30 minutes and 3 hours to your career documents. In contrast, we employ top-tier talent and typically invest 20+ hours into each client engagement.

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You're Not Just A Number.

We value our relationship with you, not a high volume of sales. We take the time to understand your career and learn the cultural environment you operate in, while keeping our communication with you honest and transparent. This means our advice is tailored to your situation, not taken off the shelf or rehashed from a previous client.

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You Deal With Leaders, Not Followers.

The world of job search is changing at a rapid rate due to disruption by digital technology. We are acutely aware of the latest trends in today’s job market from a hiring perspective, which is why our opinions are regularly published in Australian and international media, such as the Australian Financial Review, the BBC, Human Resources Director Magazine and many others.

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We Are Obsessed With Doing Great Work.

Most companies write their vision, mission and values - and promptly forget about them. We live ours. This makes us a potent, hand-picked team of veteran HR strategists, executive recruiters, digital marketers, copywriters and designers whose shared purpose is as clear as it is simple: to do our life's best work, every moment of every day. This means we aren't satisfied unless we can use our abilities to understand your skills, experience and strengths, then translate those into an engaging, persuasive and intelligent brand offering that will help you stand head and shoulders above your competition during job search. Oh, and we use our design chops to ensure your resume looks beautiful, too. This ensures that your resume makes a great first impression on time-poor recruiters who don't have the patience to wade through unattractive, clunky, hard-to-read documents.

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Become the candidate of choice, increase your visibility to top executive search firms, increase your salary potential and win the best job opportunities.

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