Arielle Executive Privacy Policy.

Arielle Executive Pty Limited respects the privacy of people we deal with and we uphold high standards of privacy practice and security.  This policy explains how we handle personal information and how we interact with you online.

Whenever we handle personal information, we take steps to ensure that appropriate standards of privacy practice and security are applied.

This Arielle Executive Privacy Policy sets out the types of personal information we collect, why we need to collect personal information, how we collect it, what we do with it, and how it’s stored and who we might share it with.  This Policy also describes how you can access or correct information we hold about you, how you can ask further questions or make a complaint, and information about our website and online activities.

The Information We Collect.

For most services it is necessary for us to collect ‘personal information’ such as your name, contact details and information regarding your employment history.  We may also collect other personal details (such as photos and information you submit to us in communications) and other information from which you can be identified.

We may also collect personal information about you through your use of our website.  The information about you, which we may collect through the website, includes the following:

  • information collected when you make a purchase
  • the content of electronic forms you submit via the website or requesting us to provide services or information, or take action
  • any messages or comments you submit to us via the website – for instance via an email, and
  • information collected when you participate in any online career assessment appearing on this website.

In common with many commercial websites we may also collect aggregated information which tells us about visitors to the website but not the identity of those visitors. For example, we may collect information in relation to:

  • the user’s server address;
  • the user’s domain;
  • the date and time of the visit to the site;
  • the pages accessed and documents downloaded;
  • the previous site visited; and
  • the type of browser used.

We use this information to count the number and type of visitors to the different pages on our site, and to help us make our site more useful to visitors like you. Arielle Executive will make no attempt to identify users, correlate data collected as users or identify users browsing activities.

We also may collect information about your online activities on our website and connected devices over time and across third-party websites, devices, apps and other online features and services. We use Google Analytics on our website to help us analyse your use of our website and diagnose technical issues.

Sensitive Information.

Generally, we do not collect sensitive information about you unless required by law or where you consent for us to do so, and in any event only where it is relevant to our service (for example, where you explain an issue relating to your health regarding your employment history).  We will not collect sensitive information about you where this is expressly prohibited by local law.  Sensitive information includes information relating to:

  • race
  • political or religious beliefs
  • sexual orientation and sexual life
  • criminal convictions
  • membership of professional or trade associations or unions
  • biometric and health information
  • information about your affiliation with certain organisations, such as professional associations.

Why We Collect Personal Information.

We collect personal information about you which is reasonably necessary to:

  • you with quality services. This may include preparation of resumes, LinkedIn profiles, cover letters, business cards, social and business media profiles, executive biographies, websites, professional portraits and for general interview preparation.
  • conduct marketing and social functions
  • maintain your contact details
  • handle complaints or enquiries
  • fulfil our legal obligations, such as those relating to taxation or as otherwise authorised by you

Without such information, we may not be able to provide you with an appropriate level of service.  In such circumstances, we will provide you with the most appropriate level of service that we can.

How We Collect Your Information.

We collect personal information about you directly from you – this can be in person, in documents you give us, from telephone calls, emails, your LinkedIn profile, your access to our website or from you make (including payments for our services, for which we use Stripe and Shopify).  We take reasonable steps to be transparent about how and why we collect personal data.

We may also collect your personal information from third parties including and our who are involved in delivering our services to you.

How We Store Your Information.

We keep personal information in physical and electronic records, at our premises, the premises of our distributed workforce and the premises of our service providers, which may include processing or storage in the cloud, which may mean in practice that this information is stored outside Australia.

Where this occurs, we take steps to protect the security and integrity of personal information.

We also keep records of our interactions with you (including by telephone, email and online).

How Do We Use Your Information.

We use personal information about you for the purpose for which it was provided to us, including to:

  • process requests
  • provide, administer and manage the services we are providing you
  • monitor, audit and evaluate our services
  • communicate with you and deal with or investigate any complaints or enquiries
  • maintain our relationship with you
  • marketing and events-related communications

We may also:

  • anonymise your data for our own purposes including market research and new services development
  • use your personal information for related purposes to the extent that it is lawful to do so without your express permission. For example, we may from time to time use your personal information to provide information about products and services which we expect may be of interest to you.  However, if you don’t want to receive such communications you can tell us by using any of the methods listed below.

While we may sometimes – where it is lawful and with your permission if necessary – share personal information with companies we do business with (e.g. in services development, service delivery, joint venture arrangements, sale of business etc), we do not sell personal information for marketing purposes to other organisations or allow such companies to do this.

When Your Information Is Disclosed.

Subject in all cases to local law, we may disclose personal information outside Arielle Executive:

  • as required by law or regulations
  • to our service providers, who provide services in connection with our services (including archival, auditing, accounting, legal, business consulting, banking, payment, debt recovery, delivery, data processing, data analysis, mailing, marketing, research, insurance, server, website and technology services)
  • as contained in the terms and conditions of any specific services

In some circumstances the parties to whom we disclose personal information may operate outside of Australia or, in the case of data collected within the European Union, outside the European Union – this includes locations in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Asia, the European Union and Cyprus.

Where this occurs, we take steps to protect personal information against misuse or loss and to comply with local law in respect of the transfer of your data from one jurisdiction to another.  Those parties, in turn, may make such information available to the governments of such other countries in accordance with local law requirements.

Keeping Information Accurate And Up To Date.

We take reasonable steps to ensure that all information we hold is accurate as possible.  You are able to contact us at any time and ask for its correction if you feel the information we have about you is inaccurate or incomplete.

Keeping Information Secure.

We use security procedures and technology to protect the information we hold.  Access to and use of personal information within Arielle Executive seeks to prevent misuse or unlawful disclosure of the information – this includes internal policies, auditing, training and monitoring of staff.

If other organisations provide support services, we require them to take appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure the privacy of the information provided to them.

How You Can Access Or Correct Your Information.

You can contact us to request access to or correction of your personal information. In normal circumstances we will give you full access or make the requested corrections to your information.

However, there may be some legal or administrative reasons to deny these requests.

If your request is denied, we will provide you with the reason why (if we can).  Where we decide not to make a requested correction to your personal information and you disagree, you may ask us to make a note of your requested correction with the information.

Dealing With Arielle Executive Online.

When you visit Arielle Executive websites you will generally browse anonymously unless you have accessed the website from an email or personalised communication from Arielle Executive, or provided information by filling out a form online (such as a booking or appointment request).

For all visitors to our website, we use cookies to collect information such as the server your computer is logged on to and your IP address.  (An IP address is a number that is assigned to your computer automatically and required for using the internet).  We may also derive the location associated with an IP address.

Once you have accessed our website from an email or other personalised communication sent to you, or otherwise provided us with personal information by completing a form online, we may be able to identify you and we may combine that with other information in order to provide you with a better online experience.  If you would prefer not to be identified you can delete the cookies and reconfigure the cookie preferences on your internet browser (see below).


A ‘cookie’ is a packet of information placed on a user’s computer by a website for record-keeping purposes.  While cookies are not considered personal information, they are generally used on Arielle Executive’ sites to:

  • access online services – if you log in to our secure areas on our website we will use cookies to authorise your access and save your preferences
  • manage advertising – when you see one of our ads on a third party website, cookies are sometimes used to collect anonymous information about the page you visit and the type of software you are using
  • monitor traffic – we use anonymous information to track how people are using the Arielle Executive site. This may include time of visit, pages visited and some system information about the type of computer you are using such as device type, operating system and Internet browser type, screen resolution, operating system name and version, device manufacturer and model.
  • monitor your use of our website – if we have identified you as a result of you accessing our website from a personalised communication or providing use with personal information by completing a form online, we may use cookies to collect personal information about you.

You can configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or notify you when a cookie is sent.  (Each browser is different, so check the Help menus of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences).

If you disable the use of cookies on your web browser or remove or reject specific cookies from the Arielle Executive website or linked sites, then you may not be able to gain access to all of the content and facilities on those websites.

Links To Other Websites.

The Arielle Executive website may provide the ability to connect to other websites. These websites operate independently from us and have their own privacy notices or policies, which we strongly suggest you review.

If any linked website is not owned or controlled by us, we are not responsible for its content, any use of the website or the privacy practices of the operator of the website.

Your Rights If You Are In The European Union.

As provided for in the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to access your data; to correct or rectify your data; to delete your data subject to applicable law; to have your data processed only in accordance with applicable law; to have copies of your data to be moved to another controller; to object to our processing your data otherwise than in accordance with the law; and to withdraw any consent to our processing your data at any time.  Please email to exercise any of those rights.

Contact Us.

If you have any questions or complaints regarding privacy or information handling, please write to We will respond to let you know who will be handling your matter and when you can expect a further response.

If your concerns are not resolved to your satisfaction, you may be able to escalate your complaint to an external dispute resolution scheme or to a regulatory authority (if you are in the European Union, you may contact one of the EU data protection regulators).  We can also provide details of the appropriate scheme/regulator for you, as these may vary by jurisdiction or service.

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